Stanley Online Database Registration

In 1994 SMRI began collecting postmortem brains in order to make the tissue available to researchers interested in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The background of the collection is available: "Torrey EF, Webster M, Knable M et al, 'The Stanley Foundation brain collection and Neuropathology Consortium', Schiz. Res. 44: 151-55, 2000)". Our intent from the beginning was to make both the tissue and the data available to researchers so as to help find the causes and better treatments for these diseases. Making the brain data available to other researchers is consistent with what is becoming standard practice in such large-scale research projects.

We require all researchers to register in order to use the SMRI brain data. This will allow you to access the Array collection database. To register and use this database, you must agree to the following:
“This is to verify that I am an accredited researcher with a research interest in severe psychiatric disorders. I intend to use my access to this data for research purposes only and will acknowledge SMRI as the source of the data in any publication coming from my use of this data. I do not intend to use this data for commercial purposes unless I first contact SMRI (Dr. Maree Webster) and receive explicit permission. I agree to all of the above.”

For questions regarding this database, please email

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