
MAS 5.0 expression values were calculated based on scaling to a target intensity of 100, then transformed by Log2(x+20).
Calls were computed using the MAS5.0 present/absent algorithm.
Expression values were median scaled to a target intensity of 66 (the overall median), then transformed by Log2(x+20).
Genes with a “G” call were called present, other calls were called absent.
Cy5 foreground and Cy5 background were computed using loess normalization. Next, Cy5 foreground – Cy5 background was calculated. These values were median scaled to a target intensity of 985 (the overall median), then log base 2 transformed.
Genes were called present if they had no quality flags, and if their Cy5/Cy3 ratio was above the 96% quantile of ratios for control genes.
Cy5 (or Cy3 for dye-swaps) expression values were calculated based on loess normalized signals. These values were median scaled to a target intensity of 640 (the overall median) then averaged across dye-swap replicates.
Genes were called present if their Cy5 (or Cy3 for dye-swaps) value was above the 96% quantile for control genes.
Cross Study Normalization
Expression values were further scaled so that the median expression value for each study was equal to 100 on the linear (non-logged) scale.